Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So You've Installed Ubuntu, Now What?

Ubuntu Software Center

Take to the Ubuntu Software Center

To actually use Linux you have to throw what Microsoft has crammed down you throat for the past 20 years, that you need to use their products. Can you get Microsoft Word? No. Do you need it? No. You need to understand that there are alternatives for everything.
  • Microsoft Word - Use 'Google Drive' or 'Libre Office'
  • iTunes - Try 'Banshee' or 'Rhythmbox'
  • Internet Explorer - 'Firefox' or 'Google Chrome' (I recommend this on windows too)
There is a ton of great software in the Software Center, so start there, then see my post on what to do after installing Ubuntu. Ill walk your through some tweaks and tricks to make your experience top notch, enough to make Mac users jealous.

You will find there is a learning curve, perhaps a week or so of frustration... but you will be a happier computer user in the end.

If your stuck feel free to shout me out on Google+ or take to the Forums and ask! Next see my post on what to do after installing Ubuntu.